“The Bitcoin and Blockchain Leadership Forum is known for being a forward thinking force within this space”
International Business Times
Last February, in the midst of Bitcoin’s long-lasting block size dispute, a group of Bitcoin Core developers, Bitcoin miners, and…
If the only tool you have is a hammer, it’s tempting to treat everything as a nail. Thus, most people in the technically-oriented Bitcoin…
The rise of bitcoin and other forms of digital currency is fueling a wealth of questions about tax enforcement: what sort of tax treatment…
Factom, an Austin-based blockchain technology company offering data management and record keeping support for business, announced it is the…
Bitcoin’s oldest mining pool, Slush Pool, will let its miners vote on the Segregated Witness soft fork proposed by Bitcoin Core. By passing…
Set to offer an effective block size limit increase, a transaction malleability fix and more, Segregated Witness (SegWit) could soon go live…
Having passed the evaluation phase, a number of South Korean financial institutions and firms are now working toward implementing blockchain…
For many, Bitmain’s recent announcement of the realization of a major data center in northwestern China served as a reminder of the level of…
The world of gaming is changing, with many games now integrating digital currencies into their platforms using the blockchain. One example…
The Wall Street Journal posted a story on December 7, 2017 titled “Bitcoin Powerhouse Will Pull the Plug on Bitcoin.” In fact, “bitcoin…
In the midst of white hot global competition for blockchain innovation and investment, the capital of financial services and fintech…
According to the World Bank’s Global Financial Inclusion Index, Africa has the highest mobile money adoption rate in the world. Worldwide,…