“The Bitcoin and Blockchain Leadership Forum is known for being a forward thinking force within this space”
International Business Times
Editor’s Note: This is an opinion piece by Andrew Quentson; the views and opinions expressed are those of the author. Since their inception,…
Although one may assume that the demand for privacy in Bitcoin and other blockchain-based systems is coming from crypto-anarchists and…
Bitcoin Core 0.12.1 was released early this morning and the update includes several changes that have huge implications for Bitcoin…
We are delighted to announce that The Financial Times will be taking part in the next meeting of The Bitcoin and Blockchain Leadership Forum on 25th April.
In spite of Cop21 motivating countries to reduce carbon emissions, the price of carbon at the European ETS market has fallen more than 40%…
At a meeting of the Bitcoin and Blockchain Leadership Forum (BBLF) on January 28th at Rise London, I met the inventor of bitcoin. I’m serious.
Members of The Bitcoin and Blockchain Leadership Forum have registered their strong support for the IMF’s recent report on Virtual Currencies and Beyond
The next Bitcoin and Blockchain Leadership Forum is going to be exploring the impact the Blockchain could have on the Asset Management Industry.
At a recent Bitcoin meetup in Hong Kong, a serial bitcoin/blockchain angel investor gave a talk. His investment framework consisted of…
Following months of speculation, Augur’s digital token Reputation (REP) was launched on October 4, with the core product platform slated to…
Purse is best known as a peer-to-peer marketplace and gift card service where users can save money using Bitcoin through Amazon’s e-commerce…
David Golumbia, an assistant professor in the Department of English at Virginia Commonwealth University, an aspiring political pundit, and…